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Oracle BI Publisher User Creds on a URL

User Creds on a URL

This article from  Oracle BI Publisher Blog

The article direct link  User Creds on a URL


A long while back I posted an entry on linking to a report via a URL. All was good but it only worked if you either:
1. Were hooking BIP up to SSO with your calling application or
2. You placed the report in the Guest folder which was unsecured.
You can now pass the username and password on the URL to avoid the two cases above and open up other possibilities.

Nice URL in a Public Facing Oracle APEX Application

Nice URL in a Public Facing Oracle APEX Application

This article from  Monkey on Oracle

The article direct link  Nice URL in a Public Facing Oracle APEX Application


This is the place to start; Why would you consider rewriting the native APEX URL? There are a few good reasons why, but generalizations won’t work here. The question is why do YOU need this for YOUR application? Consider it, and reconsider it, because there are no silver bullets here. Any path you choose will inevitably cause more work, add complexity and even more gray hairs when your carefully thought out assumptions suddenly changes. Not to mention adding overhead to your webserver when processing requests. Perhaps you will even start loosing hair for all I know. The more sophisticated application, the more work added for beautifying the URLs.

Cleaner APEX URLs

Cleaner APEX URLs

This article from  IN ORACLE MILIEU

The article direct link  Cleaner APEX URLs


Some times for production systems, we need to have cleaner URLs, specially for APEX application in order to hide the details about the host or the parameters that are passed when we go from one page to another in an application.
This article is about giving a simpler way to do the same.

Prevent URL tampering using APEX Session State Protection

Prevent URL tampering using APEX Session State Protection

This article from  Apps To Fusion

The article direct link  Prevent URL tampering using APEX Session State Protection


By now you should be having a fair idea of high usability of Oracle Application Express a.k.a APEX with its easy navigation between pages using column links, branches, breadcrumbs, navigation tabs, etc. If proper security is not enforced in preventing in URL tampering, user can change the parameter in URL say change Person Id value to 242, and get that person details. It wouldn’t seem as a bigger problem if all the users have same access to information. This article explains how to avoid this problem.